House and Home


Jenny and I are finally starting to get over the flu.  Jenny has it worse than I did–I’m finally feeling mostly better now, but she’s still working on it.  Tonight makes 13 days for me.  Ugh.  I still haven’t recovered all of my stamina yet, but I’m getting there. 

This weekend we hosted my sister-in-law Annie’s bridal shower.  It was fun.  I smoked chicken in the new smoker, and Mom and Babcia helped with making the salads and baking cookies.  Dad helped me with grilling and general logistics.  It was a good time.  I think Annie had fun, too.  🙂 

I built a clock as one of Annie’s wedding presents.  Some readers here have known about this for a while, as I was keeping a build diary on here in a separate area.  I’ll soon move those or link those here.  I need to complete the last entry, though, before I do that. 

I ordered bunting and a 45-star flag (historically accurate for the building of our house) last week, and it was supposed to arrive on Friday.  Then maybe it was supposed to arrive on Saturday.  Now it is Tuesday and it still isn’t here.  I’m a little bummed.  Oh well.  I should have it in time for the Fourth of July, though. 

My June is shaping up to be pretty busy.  The first weekend in June is my birthday.  Yay!  Hopefully Jenny and I will get out to do something fun.  The following week, I am gone for three days to DC for work.  I’ll be back for the weekend, then I’m off on Friday to help Jenny prepare for Annie’s wedding on the 21st.  The morning after the wedding, I have a 6AM flight to Vancouver, BC, where I’ll be for a week.  I’m taking the train home from there as a bit of a mini-vacation, which should get me home early in the morning on the 3rd of July.  Yikes.  Busy busy June. 

July and August should be a bit more calm, fortunately.  Jenny and I are taking our vacation in early August, so that should be fun.  In the meantime, I have a bunch of house projects that need my attention, including the front porch, getting the plumbing work coordinated, etc. 

The current project in the woodshop (after I spent most of this evening cleaning-up from the clock project) is a custom door threshold for my aunt and uncle’s new house.  They have an odd doorway with a 1/2″ height difference between two rooms, and it needs a threshold.  I have the initial piece cut for it and the router table set up to make the rabbet, but I was getting a little tired and didn’t want to do anything stupid, so I shut down the shop and came upstairs again. 

I’ve been having some trouble making timely updates here for the past week or so partially due to the fact that my main laptop battery is hosed.  It will no longer take a charge and the laptop acts as if there is no battery there.  I had work order me two batteries today, so hopefully I’ll have them soon.  Not having the batteries means that I’m not having the laptop on as much, since it can’t survive power outages and I can’t keep it on while I move among different rooms. 

We still have some clean-up to do around the house after the party.  We’ve been back-burnering that, though, while we rest and recover a bit. 

There’s someone around here who has decided to use one of those stupid motorized mini-bikes as transportation from their house to someone else’s house.  This isn’t a scooter or any real form of DOT-approved transportation.  This is one of those little two-cycle “mini sportbike” things.  They usually are riding it past our house and towards the lower end of Parnassus every weekday at around this time.  Someday I’ll stand outside with the hose and accidentally spray them down when they go past.  Argh.  Come on, folks.  They are illegal to have on the streets, so don’t buy them and then wonder why the entire neighborhood wants to see it accidentally crushed into a tiny ball of recyclable metal.

That’s all for me.  🙂 


Jonathan does a lot of stuff. If you ask Jenny, maybe he does too much stuff.