• Outdoors,  Technology


    Hi.  Sorry that I haven't had any updates here for a while.  I've been somewhat busy lately and have been letting this slide.  I still have to get the vacation pictures off of…

  • Technology

    I did it!

    So, I finally did it.  Here it is--Blog V3.  Let me know if you have any problems.  I'll be adding some stuff in the near future, too.  There are a few missing things…

  • Technology

    Blog Version 3!

    For the techie types out there, I've been working on Blog Version 3.  I'm playing with a software package called Drupal to host it.  If you're interested in clicking-around on it and taking…

  • House and Home,  Technology


    Wow.  It's been a busy week!  Last weekend, we moved our blog to a new hosting company from my old servers.  Self-management has a lot of advantages, but some pretty significant ones for…

  • Technology

    Blog software updated!

    I updated the blog software here today.  I'm getting everything rev'ed-up in order to install a plugin called "Custom Fields."  I've been thinking about and working on a site to hold reviews of…

  • Technology

    Twitter and you

    I've started to play a bit with a service called Twitter.  The basic premise is that the service keeps track of short (<160 characters or so), one-line updates on what one is doing…