Travel,  Western Pennsylvania

Scene from the Bike Trail: Garrett, PA

I took this photo about two miles from the Great Allegheny Passage‘s trailhead in Garrett, Somerset County, PA.  Garrett is part of the school district that I attended from Grades 2-12, and I lived right outside of Garrett for about six months when I was seven.  Whenever Jonathan and I come to Somerset County to use the bike trail, I overload him on my stories about the Berlin-Garrett-Meyersdale area.

Jonathan and I calculated tonight that in the past decade, we have ridden over 7,000 miles together on bicycle trips. (We based this on the mileage that we have recorded off of our bikes’ odometers. We are now on our second set of bikes and odometers.) A majority of these miles were on various sections of the Great Allegheny Passage in Western Pennsylvania. For Jonathan’s 30th birthday, we even went bicycle camping for one night on the passage.

I look forward to posting more scenes from the bike trail in the future.