
One of Many

The title can, and does, mean many things.  I’m just one of many people, but I like to think that I have a vision that is distinct, and a mission that is unique.  How does that work, though?  The simple statement form of my mission is too simple to be unique by itself:  I want to help people.  That’s easy.  Lots of people say that.  I want to make a living by helping people.  OK, that’s a little more detailed, but still not quite all there yet.  How can I make a living out of such an abstract vocation?  I’m reading a book all about that right now. Ideas are slowly turning into reality.  People read this thing now.  A new set of websites is getting closer to release-quality.  I’m working on some curricula for a few introductory seminars that I’m going to offer to some local libraries.  I’m hoping to finish the design for a set of high-quality, professionally-printed business cards tonight.  The build-up is slow and taking a lot of time, but I’m learning a lot along the way.  I emam/em one of many:  One of many who believe that there is a calling out there for us that is more than just a job.

One of many.  This might be how someone feels when their individuality has been marginalized.  It is often one’s sense of individuality that keeps one creative and keeps one thinking about how to make things better.  Be mindful of when this is happening, and stop it before it does real damage.

One of many.  Someone who is without food might feel this way.  They are one of many in a bread line, or a refugee camp, or waiting for their ration of clean water.  How is it that we have technology coming out our ears, but we can’t seem to figure out how to feed the hungry and provide enough clean water for those who need it.

One of many.  One of many people who stop along the North Shore of Pittsburgh to gaze at our pretty city, standing on the edge of a river with a history far more ancient than we can tell, looking at a city that is far different from what it was only decades ago.

Jonathan does a lot of stuff. If you ask Jenny, maybe he does too much stuff.